Eye Number Test
Eye Vision Test
Visual Acuity Test
Computer Eye Test
A comprehensive eye examination which includes eye number test ( visual acuity test ) by your eye specialist doctor ( Ophthalmologist ) is required to diagnose the reasons that is affecting your ability to see clearly or any other discomfort in your eyesight.
Eye Vision Test
The visual acuity test is a standard eye examination used to measure the clarity or sharpness of a person’s vision. It is one of the primary tests conducted during an eye check-up and is typically performed by optometrists or ophthalmologists.
The main purpose of this test is to determine how well a person can see both at a distance and up close, which helps in diagnosing and prescribing appropriate corrective measures for refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

The eye number test is also alternately referred as an eye refraction test or eye vision test. The refraction test can be either performed by your eye specialist doctor either manually or using a special auto-refractometer which is also referred as computerized eye check up.
The eye refraction test is an eye examination performed by your eye doctor that measures the person’s prescription for dispensing the eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct the vision.
The normal vision occurs when the light is focused directly on the retina rather than either in front or behind the retina.
The refractive error in the vision, the normal vision of the person is affected causing the vision discomfort, eye strain, focusing strain and other related problems.
Dr. Swati Sathe 's Eye Clinic
Ophthalmologist , Eye Specialist , Eye Surgeon , Contact Lens Specialist
Welcome to our eye clinic . Dr Swati Sathe is a Consultant Ophthalmologist , Eye Specialist And Practicing Eye Surgeon In Koregaon Park in Pune . This eye specialist clinic is well equipped with latest eye care equipment to provide the best eye care services.
When Do You Need Glasses ?
It is time for a eye checkup when you approach your eye doctor ( Ophthalmologist ) with symptoms such as eye strain , difficulty in reading either for near or for long distance or headache. Your eye doctor would take you through series of tests ,which generally include slit-lamp test , Vision charts reading test for both long and short distance , dilation test and others tests .

Why Do You Need Glasses ?
The Visual Acuity is a measure of the sharpness and the clarity of the vision . The Visual Acuity depends upon the optical and neural factors . The normal vision of 20/20 ( American System ) OR 6/6 ( British System ) is commonly used as a reference for Visual acuity which indicates one aspect of the normal vision.
The most common cause of low visual acuity is refractive error that affects your normal vision. This refractive error can be corrected either by using the glasses or contact lenses as prescribed by your eye doctor. The choice between the prescription glasses and contact lens depends upon the your vision needs and personal preferences.

What is a Vision Test Or Eye Number Test ?
Your eye doctor would take you through some tests in order to diagnose the reasons that is affecting your normal vision and causing discomfort in your eyesight . These tests may include dilatation test , vision chart reading tests , slit-lamp tests and other tests as may be required .

How to Select Good Glasses ?
The comfort and the clarity of vision with your glasses primarily depends upon four components . These four components include 1. Accuracy of Vision Test / Eye Number Test / Refraction , 2. Spectacle Frame size And Frame Type , 3. Spectacle Lens Type , Lens Number power And Special Coating , 4. Spectacle Lens Fitting in the Frame.

What is a Dilation Test ?
The dilation test is performed by your eye doctor by putting a special eye drops in your eyes which increases the size of your eye pupils. This will allow your eye doctor to carefully examine the health of your optic nerve and retina during your eye examination.
What is a Dilation Eye Examination ?
Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy ?
Eye Number Test FAQ
Eye Vision Test - Frequently Asked Questions
When should I get my eyes checked ?
It is a good and safe practice to regularly get your eyes checked by your eye specialist doctor ( Ophthalmologist ) . Not all eye related disorders alert you with symptoms and thus such conditions can be diagnosed during your periodic checkup.
What is the scope of routine eye checkup ?
The routine eye checkup is performed by your eye doctor either during your periodic eye checkup Or when you approach your eye doctor with specific problem . Most common problems include difficulty in reading , eye strain , lack of clarity in vision , headache and other such symptoms .
Your eye doctor during your checkup will perform Slit-Lamp Test , Refraction to check your vision , Auto-Refraction to measure your spectacle lens number with the help of computerized instrument Auto-Refractometer and eye pressure test . These tests will help your eye doctor for preliminary diagnoses .
Depending upon the eye condition and preliminary diagnosis , your eye doctor might advice you to take few more special tests for precise diagnosis and treatment.
How do you know if your child needs glasses ?
Sometimes it becomes difficult for parents to spot the eye related issues with their child . Most children especially at younger age might not be able to express their vision problem .
However symptoms such as difficulty in reading and inability to focus in studies , frequent headache and lack of concentration could be eye related issue with your child .
It becomes difficult for some parents to accept the fact that their child is struggling with eye related issue which needs to be addressed at the earliest with the help and advice by your eye doctor .
Not all eye related issues leads to glasses glasses for your child . As advised by your eye doctor , some issues can be resolved with the help of eye exercises at early age in your child .
Why Eye Number Test Is Required ?
It is a good and safe practice to regularly get your eyes checked by your eye specialist doctor ( Ophthalmologist ). Not all eye related disorders alert you with symptoms and thus such conditions can be diagnosed during your periodic check-up.
What is the scope of the routine eye check-up ?
The routine eye check-up is performed by your eye doctor either during your periodic eye check-up or when you approach your eye doctor with specific problem.
Most common problems include difficulty in reading, eye strain, lack of clarity in vision, headache and other such symptoms.
Your eye doctor during your check-up will perform the Slit-Lamp examination, Refraction test to check your vision, Auto-Refractometer to measure your spectacle lens number with the help of computerized instrument Auto-refractometer and the eye pressure test. These tests will help your eye doctor for preliminary diagnoses.
Depending upon the eye condition and preliminary diagnosis, your eye doctor might advise you to take few more special tests for precise diagnosis and treatment.