Eye Pressure Test
Intraocular Pressure Non Contact Tonometry NCT Eye Test For Glaucoma
The eye pressure test is performed to measure eye pressure (IOP). It is one of the most important health parameters for our eyes. The eye pressure test ( Tonometry ) measures the intraocular pressure ( IOP ). The tonometry is an important part of the various tests performed by your eye doctor during the routine eye check-up.
The Non Contact Tonometry ( NCT Test ) is used to measure the eye pressure using a modern medical instrument called Non Contact Tonometer. The NCT eye test offers many advantages. During the non contact tonometry the use of numbing drops is not required because the instrument does not touch your eye.
Eye Health And Intraocular Eye Pressure ( IOP )
Eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP), is a critical parameter in assessing the health of the eye. The significance of eye pressure lies in its association with various eye conditions, particularly glaucoma. Regularly monitoring eye pressure is essential for early diagnosis, treatment, and maintaining eye health.
Regular eye check-ups, including the measurement of intraocular pressure, are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health and preventing irreversible vision loss. It is especially important for individuals with risk factors such as a family history of glaucoma, advancing age, and certain medical conditions to undergo regular eye examinations to detect and manage any potential issues early on.
Dr. Swati Sathe 's Eye Clinic
Ophthalmologist , Eye Specialist , Eye Surgeon , Contact Lens Specialist , Glaucoma Specialist
Glaucoma Eye Clinic
Welcome to our eye clinic . Dr Swati Sathe is Consultant Ophthalmologist , Eye Specialist And Practicing Eye Surgeon In Koregaon Park in Pune. This eye specialist clinic is well equipped with latest eye care equipment to provide the best eye care services.
Eye Pressure Eye Test ( Non Contact Tonometry ) At Dr. Swati Sathe 's Eye Clinic
The eye clinic has earned reputation for offering comprehensive range of eye care services, which includes comprehensive eye check-up for the diagnosis and treatment for Glaucoma and Cataract. The eye clinic offers Tonometry eye pressure test with latest non contact tonometer, Visual Field Test ( perimetry ) and OCT Eye Test for the diagnosis and treatment of Glaucoma with latest surgical techniques.
What Is Eye Pressure ?
Intraocular Pressure
Let us first understand what is eye pressure before we discuss the eye pressure test ( tonometry ). Our eyes constantly produce a fluid called aqueous humor. As new aqueous flows into your eye, the same amount aqueous should drain out through a tiny drainage area inside our eye.
The aqueous flow in and drain out process keeps the pressure in your eye ( called intraocular pressure or IOP ) within the normal limits. However, if the eye drain out is not working properly then fluid builds up and exerts pressure.
Why Eye Pressure Test Is So Important ?
The increased eye pressure ( IOP ) inside the eye can damage the optic nerve. The optic nerve plays an important role that sends visual information to our brain. Any damage to the optic nerve can cause loss of vision. This condition is referred as glaucoma.
As part of a complete routine eye check up, your eye doctor ( ophthalmologist ) will measure your eye pressure using Non Contact Tonometer . This eye pressure test is called tonometry.
This simple eye test can help you protest your vision. And therefore, routine eye check up by your eye doctor is very important. Your eye doctor can diagnose these early symptoms during eye examination.
Non Contact Tonometer
The eye pressure test at Dr Swati Sathe’s Eye clinic is performed using the latest special medical equipment called Non-Contact Tonometer ( NCT ) and the test procedure is called Tonometry.
The tonometry with modern non-contact tonometer usually takes just 2 to 3 minutes. Further, unlike conventional tonometry the use of numbness eye drops are not required. The latest NCT works on air puff technology and the instrument does not make any contact with your eye which is very comfortable for the patient.
Your eye doctor will be giving you detailed instructions before the test starts. It is important for the patient to follow these instructions to ensure the accuracy of the test.
Eye pressure test “Non-Contact Tonometry” test, which is a quick and painless way for eye doctors to measure the pressure inside your eye. Eye pressure is also called “intraocular pressure” (IOP), and it is an important measure of eye health.
During a non-contact tonometry test, the eye doctor will ask you to sit in front of a machine that emits a small puff of air onto the surface of your eye. The machine measures the resistance of the eye to the puff of air, and uses that information to calculate your IOP. This test is often used to screen for glaucoma, a condition that can cause damage to the optic nerve and lead to vision loss if left untreated.
If you have any concerns about your eye health or intraocular pressure, it’s important to talk to an eye doctor or healthcare professional who can give you personalized advice based on your individual needs and medical history.
What Is Glaucoma ?
The Glaucoma is an eye disease caused due to increased eye pressure. The increased eye pressure can damage your optic nerve adversely affecting the normal vision.
The optic nerve plays an important role and it sends visual information to your brain from your eyes. In most cases the glaucoma is the result of abnormally high pressure ( IOP ) inside your eye. The sustained high pressure in the eyes can damage the optic nerve tissue.
Tonometry Eye Pressure Measurement Test Procedure
The tonometry test with non contact tonometer ( NCT ) just takes only a few minutes to perform. The NCT test is the latest and gives fairly accurate reading of the eye pressure.
The NCT test can be done by your eye doctor any time and no special preparation is required. The eye numbness drops are not used since this test does not make any direct eye contact with the patient. During the test procedure, you will rest your chin on chin-holder of the NCT machine. You have to look straight into the NCT machine.
Once you are comfortable, a gentle air puff is directed at your eye for few seconds by the NCT machine. You can clearly hear the puffing sound and feel a mild pressure on your eye for few seconds and the test is done.
The tonometer automatically records the intraocular pressure ( IOP). Your eye doctor might repeat the test to ensure the accuracy of the test. The non-contact tonometry is considered to be very safe since there is no risk of scratches or infection.
Types Of Eye Pressure Test
An eye pressure test, also known as tonometry, is a diagnostic procedure used to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP) of the eye. This test is typically performed as part of a comprehensive eye exam and is especially important in the diagnosis and management of glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that can cause damage to the optic nerve and lead to vision loss.
There are several methods for measuring intraocular pressure, including the following:
- Applanation tonometry: This method involves placing anesthetic eye drops in the eye and then using a device called a tonometer to gently touch the surface of the cornea to measure its resistance.
- Non-contact tonometry: This method uses a puff of air directed at the cornea to measure the pressure.
- Goldmann tonometry: This method uses a small prism and a special blue light to measure the pressure.
Your eye doctor will determine which method is most appropriate for your specific situation. If your eye pressure is found to be elevated, your doctor may recommend further testing or treatment to help you manage the condition and prevent vision loss.
Eye Pressure Test - FAQ
Tonometry Eye Test - Frequently Asked Questions
When should I get my eyes checked ?
It is a good and safe practice to regularly get your eyes checked by your eye specialist doctor ( Ophthalmologist ) . Not all eye related disorders alert you with symptoms and thus such conditions can be diagnosed during your periodic checkup.
What is the scope of routine eye checkup ?
The routine eye checkup is performed by your eye doctor either during your periodic eye checkup Or when you approach your eye doctor with specific problem . Most common problems include difficulty in reading , eye strain , lack of clarity in vision , headache and other such symptoms .
Your eye doctor during your checkup will perform Slit-Lamp Test , Refraction to check your vision , Auto-Refraction to measure your spectacle lens number with the help of computerized instrument Auto-Refractometer and eye pressure test . These tests will help your eye doctor for preliminary diagnoses .
Depending upon the eye condition and preliminary diagnosis , your eye doctor might advice you to take few more special tests for precise diagnosis and treatment.
Your eye doctor might advice you to take few special test such as Visual Field Test ( Perimetry ) , Eye pressures test ( Tonometry ) and OCT test.
What Is normal eye pressure ?
When your eye drainage works fine the normal eye pressure is maintained. Normal eye pressure ranges from 10-21 mm Hg. The Ocular hypertension is an eye pressure that is greater than 21 mm Hg.
What Is abnormal eye pressure ?
When your eye drainage does not work properly the fluid pressure builds up in the eye. The normal eye pressure ranges from 10-21 mm Hg. The ocular hypertension is an eye pressure that is greater than 21 mm Hg.
What are the symptoms of high eye pressure ?
A moderate high eye pressure does not cause any noticeable symptoms or pain, or any other discomfort to the patient. However, a very high pressure can cause pain in and around the eye and nausea or vomiting.
Your eye doctor can easily diagnose the increased eye pressure by performing the NCT eye pressure test during the routine eye check up. And therefore, the regular eye check up by your eye doctor ( ophthalmologist ) is very important.
What are the causes of increase eye pressure ?
The high intraocular pressure ( ICP ) is known as ocular hypertension. The cause of high eye pressure is an imbalance in production and drainage of aqueous humor fluid inside your eye.
The eye pressure builds up if the drainage does not work properly. This creates an imbalance between the eye fluid intake and outflow if the drainage is obstructed or damaged.
What is the importance of eye pressure check Up ?
Most people fail to notice the early symptoms of increased eye pressure known as ocular hypertension. Your eye doctor can easily notice these changes during the eye examination with simple NCT test.
The increase eye pressure can damage the optic nerve and this can result into vision loss. The regular eye consultation can help you preserve your vision during your lifetime.